Alex Croft to join KS
Kala Sangam is delighted to announce that we have successfully recruited for the new position of Creative Producer. We warmly welcome Alex Croft who joins our team at this very exciting time. Alex will start his new position in April.
This is what Alex has to say, “I’m absolutely delighted to be joining Kala Sangam as Creative Producer. At the age of 18, arriving in Bradford to study opened my eyes to a whole world of culture I had never before experienced and that sense of wonderment, those sights and sounds, have stayed with me throughout my career. I’m looking forward to getting out and meeting people from all of Bradford’s rich, diverse communities and making sure that Kala Sangam is welcoming home for all. I want Kala Sangam to be a place where we can share great art and discuss what it means to be a Bradfordian now, in 2017. I can’t wait to start the conversation in April.”