School’s Takeover October 2024
In October 2024, we hosted our annual school’s takeover for the 4th year. Across three weeks, we saw over 700 Key Stage 2 children take part in a range of art activities from Disco Freestyle to Rap.
“Both workshops were interactive, fun and well instructed. Children engage and learning lots of new skills. Encouraged to choreograph own routines fostering independence and leadership.”
Teacher, Dixons Marchbank.

This year’s our school’s takeover was a little different, with building work taking place at St Peter’s house our school’s takeover took place in two different locations. The first week we were at a local secondary school called Carlton Bolling who kindly let us use their hall. Whilst at Carlton Bolling we were supported by their art council students, who helped us with the logistics and delivery of the takeover.

The next two weeks took place at our temporary office space at Bank House. Even with change of locations we had a fantastic school’s takeover with 32 workshops across the three weeks and 11 primary schools attending from across the BD3 area of Bradford.
“It gets the children outside the classroom and allows their creativity to flow. It explores another outlet for expressing themselves and sparks their interests.”
Teacher, Peel Park Primary School.
From puppetry to Bhangra dance our school’s takeover not only encourages children and young people to meet and engage with someone new but allows them to get creative, confident and build their team working skills. Highlighted below is a video created by Haider Mahboob showcasing this year’s school’s takeover with interviews from staff and students.
With big thanks to the staff at Carlton Bolling, their arts council students. Artists Ella Tighe, Frankie Sharp, Wilko Wilkes, Lence, Tranquil Productions and Punjabi Roots Academy for delivering some incredible workshops. As well as Haider Mahboob, Jess Swift and Karol Wyszynski.
“I love schools takeover because it is a wonderfully rich exchange between artists and young people. I taught a workshop based on my new show Disco Queen and introduced the children to elements of Freestyle dancing. Hardly any of the children knew what it was at the start and by the end they were jumping, practicing their high leg kicks and bossing out a whole dance routine. As an artist school’s takeover allows me to refine my facilitation skills and the sharing of my practice with the community here in Bradford and this is something I really appreciate.”
Ella Tighe.

For more information on how your school could get involved with our school’s takeover contact